Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Journal 10/27

It's been 3 days since my last post.  Here's the sum of things:

Sunday was Amazing with our new schedule and discipline system.  Not only was G cooperative and obedient, but he also went above and beyond and voluntarily washed all the dishes in the sink and reorganized the kitchen cupboards without being asked!  He was sweet and cooperative all night even when he went to bed.

Monday morning followed suit.  He woke up early, got totally dressed on his own, and we got out of the house without incident!  When we got home, I got a report from his teacher that he had a good day at school as well!  I was so proud of him, but within about an hour of being home, his behavior started to regress, and he threw a couple tantrums, threw himself on the floor, refused to go to boxing, and hit me for turning off the TV.  He lost 7 privileges off the list for those behaviors.  He finally calmed down and decided to cooperate again.  He told me he thinks he knows why he got so upset.  I asked him why, and he told me it was because his dad had shown up (on my custodial time without my knowledge or permission) at his morning sitters' house and driven him to school.  That seems to be a common denominator with his behavior.  When he sees his dad on my time, he acts out.  I'm not sure if he just misses him, if it's the disruption in the schedule, or what it is, but it's definitely an issue and an unnecessary complication.  I've has his dad multiple times to stop stepping in on my custodial time, but he continues to ignore me on this.  He went to bed last night without any issues (by then he had calmed down), but we did have to skip boxing because of his behavior.

This morning was a rough one as well.  He was throwing tantrums, didn't want to go to tutoring, complaining about the way his socks felt, and even tore up his schedule for the day.  I did manage to get him to tutoring/school only a few minutes late, but it was a fight.  I then had the privilege of being attacked via text all day by his father, and I even allowed him, at one point, to bring me to tears.  It is so difficult to try so hard to be a good mom, be constantly undermined in everything I do, then STILL get torn down and told I'm, not only a bad mother, but a crazy irrational person.  After I was done working, I called to talk to J on the phone rather than continue a text battle, but that turned out to be just as problematic as text, if not worse.  He was cussing at me, changing subjects frequently, telling me he knows "my game", etc.  He was basically acting all together paranoid, childish, and irrational, so I found talking on the phone is no better than texting.  It seems there is no means of communication with him that is productive.

This afternoon was better.  G got a good report from his teacher again today.  There was some whining from him here and there, but he was generally cooperative and followed instructions without much of an issue.  He even showered with little resistance (his least favorite responsibility).  I'm really proud of him.  I think he's responding pretty well to the behavior chart and schedule and I think if we keep it up, it will be pretty successful.

Tomorrow will be interesting because J scheduled an appointment for G during my custodial time knowing that I would be working, so he would be the one taking him to the appointment.  (Again, infringing on and disrupting my  custodial time with G).  Hopefully the afternoon will go okay, but I can't help but worry that he will have some behavior issues in the afternoon/evening as a result of this disruption.

All I can do, is keep loving my son, and keep setting boundaries.  Keep your fingers crossed for us!

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