Saturday, November 7, 2015

Being a good example

I'm beginning to see (with the help of older wiser friends), that a lot of the behaviors my son exhibits are things he learned from me and his dad.  I obviously can't control his dad's behavior, but I can control mine, so I've set out to become a better example for my son.  As much as I try to filter myself around him, I am not as self disciplined as I should be, and my son is mimicking this behavior.  So, I've created my  own "privileges and behaviors" chart that Giovanni gets to see and help hold me accountable with.  I want him to see that I have commitments and responsibilities too, and that I, too, make mistakes and have consequences.  I feel like allowing him to have a part in holding me accountable, will make him more open to my reprimanding him because it will feel less like being reprimanded, and more like being held accountable.  I don't know how well it will work, but again, it's worth a shot!